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Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

Do you believe in the Lord? Believe in the message He's given to me? Well He's given me another one, a special message. A message about you Libby. He's told me to give you my seed. Do you understand what that means?

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

You are here for one reason and one reason only. Do you understand? I want to hear you say you understand. It's very simple: I want these people to know the meaning of horror.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

- Dr. Susan Wheeler: You, you ought to see somebody.
- Dr. George A. Harris: They're children, Sue. They trust us. We can't tell them everything. Our job is to make things easier for them. I'm sure you agree.
- Dr. Susan Wheeler: You're killing people.
- Dr. George A. Harris: We must always take the long view. Not of the individual, but of society as a whole. Because medicine is now a great social force. The individual is too small.

It produces abdominal spasm and peritoneal symptoms. It must be very painful.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

- Hey! I'll swallow your soul, I'll swallow your soul, I'll swallow your soul!
- Swallow this!

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

- We've negotiated the outer epidermis and the subcutaneous fat layer. Notice that the incision runs parallel to the muscle cells. This is to ensure proper healing. Continuing with a lateral incision across the myocardium... we expose the chordinae tendinae. As you can see, premature ventricular contraction has set in. And is followed by full cardiac arrest. Respiration has bottomed out. All brain function has ceased. The patient... has expired.

- You win some, you lose some.

- And now, ladies and gentlemen... you are about to experience... the cutting edge of medicine. Let's open this baby up and see what it'll do.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

Your suffering will be legendary, even in Hell!

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

Rivera: You murdered your own son?
Kallinger: Yes I did.
Rivera: Why did you do that?
Kallinger: He was a sacrifice, I was to murder three million people on the planet earth to see if I could murder one of my own. At the end of murdering all the people on earth, I was going to murder my own family then take my own life and become God.

Clip here:

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

In some cases, autopsy includes the removal of the brain. Considerable effort may be required to reflect the scalp anteriorly. Posteriorly the scalp is reflected to a point just below the occipital protuberance. Although an electric saw is time-saving, a hand saw is indicated if an infectious process is suspected within the cranium. In either case, the saw should not enter the sub-

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

Drugging, keeping skulls in locker, cannibalism, [...] posing people who are dead that he killed for pictures, masturbating all over the place, this is Jeffrey Dahmer!

Clip here :

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

Apparently the best thing to do is cut up a corpse into six pieces and pile it all together.
And when you got your six pieces, you gotta get rid of them, because it's no good leaving it in the deep freeze for your mum to discover, now is it? Then I hear the best thing to do is feed them to pigs. You got to starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead. They will go through bone like butter. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, "as greedy as a pig".

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

[throughout the song]
Howard, it's Bateman, Patrick Bateman. You're my lawyer so I think you should know: I've killed a lot of people. Some girls in the apartment uptown uh, some homeless people maybe 5 or 10 um an NYU girl I met in Central Park. I left her in a parking lot behind some donut shop. I killed Bethany, my old girlfriend, with a nail gun, and some man uh some old faggot with a dog last week. I killed another girl with a chainsaw, I had to, she almost got away and uh someone else there I can't remember maybe a model, but she's dead too. And Paul Allen. I killed Paul Allen with an axe in the face, his body is dissolving in a bathtub in Hell's Kitchen. I don't want to leave anything out here. I guess I've killed maybe 20 people, maybe 40. I have tapes of a lot of it, uh some of the girls have seen the tapes. I even, um... I ate some of their brains, and I tried to cook a little. Tonight I, uh, I just had to kill a LOT of people

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

They're cattle; pieces of meat. What difference does it make how their world ends? Plague... war... famine. Morality doesn't even enter into it.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

I don't give a shit. I had control and that's what it... What it all comes down to. Fuck'em all.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

Maybe I haven't done enough, I might be ashamed of that, for not doing enough.
Maybe I should have killed four or five hundred people, then I would have felt better. Then I would have felt like I really offered society something.
Remorse for what?
You people have done everything in the world to me
Doesn't that give me equal right?
I can do anything I want to you people at anytime I want to because that's what you've done to me.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

Intro : No anaesthetic at hand. Shame. Surgery is open, Tiffany. What is today's agenda? Ah, yes. Evisceration.

Outro : The mind is a labyrinth, ladies and gentlemen, a puzzle. And while the paths of the brain are plainly visible, its ways, deceptively apparent, its destinations are unknown, its secrets still secrets and, if we are honest, it is the lure of the labyrinth that draws us to our chosen field to unlock those secrets.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

Outro : We knew the world would not be the same. Few people laughed, few people cried, most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita. Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty and to impress him takes on his multi-armed form and says, "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

Intro: No anaesthetic at hand. Shame. Surgery is open, Tiffany. What is today's agenda? Ah, yes. Evisceration.

Outro: The mind is a labyrinth, ladies and gentlemen, a puzzle. And while the paths of the brain are plainly visible, its ways, deceptively apparent, its destinations are unknown, its secrets still secrets and, if we are honest, it is the lure of the labyrinth that draws us to our chosen field to unlock those secrets.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

I'm gonna fucking rape your soul!

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

Mid-song :
Newscaster: Reports, incredible as they may seem, are not the results of mass hysteria.
Harry: "Mass hysteria?" What do they think, we're imagining all this?
Radio Newscaster : In all parts of the country, the wave of murder which is sweeping the eastern third of the nation is being committed by creatures who feast upon the flesh of their victims.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

Intro : Feed her!
Outro : Swallow it, bitch.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

Your suffering will be legendary, even in Hell!

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

And to think... I hesitated.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

Pain has a face. Allow me to show it to you. Gentlemen, I... Am... Pain.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist"

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

They will say that I have shed innocent blood. What's blood for, if not for shedding?
I came for you.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

You have one choice, boy: sex or the saw. Sex is, well... nobody knows. But the saw... the saw is family.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

- You believe in the Lord? Believe in the message He's given to me? Well he's given me another one, a special message. A message about you Libby.
- Me?
- He's told me to give you my seed. Do you understand what that means?

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

My father's got something he wants you all to see.And I swear, anybody looks away for even a second, I'll make them wish they we're fucking aborted.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

And now it is time to go back from where we came from. Hell is nothing. Hell is only a word. The reality is much, much worse.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

I like being alone. At least, I convince myself that I'm better off that way. We're better off alone. We suffer alone. Doesn't matter if you're a model husband, or father of the year. Tomorrow will be the same for you.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

First captive died of electrocution, weeks later a second captive died, this time of starvation. Heidnik put the remains in a blender and mixed them with cans of dog food then forced the others to consume it.
Clip here :

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

- Herbert, you're insane!What's happened here?!
- I had to kill him!!
- What? He's dead?
- Not anymore.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

Did you ever see an animal skinned, Hjalmar? That's what I'm going to do to you now. Tear the skin from your body, slowly, bit by bit.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

Humans are such easy prey...

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

Dr. Samuel Loomis : His eyes will deceive you; they will destroy you. They will take from you your innocence, your pride, and eventually your soul. These eyes do not see what you and I see. Behind these eyes one finds only blackness, the absence of light. These are the eyes of a psychopath.