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Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

First there was darkness. Then came the strangers. They were a race as old as time itself. They had mastered the ultimate technology. The ability to alter physical reality by will alone. They called this ability "Tuning". But they were dying. Their civilization was in decline, and so they abandoned their world seeking a cure for their own mortality. Their endless journey brought them to a small, blue world in the farthest corner of the galaxy. Our world. Here they thought they had finally found what they had been searching for.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

Pain has a face. Allow me to show it to you.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

We'll tear your soul apart!

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

Ultimately, we're all dead men. Sadly, we cannot choose how but, what we can decide is how we meet that end, in order that we are remembered, as men.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

This is the life we chose, the life we lead. And there is only one guarantee: none of us will see heaven.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

Revenge... Is a meal best served cold.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

Everybody ends up dead. It's just a matter of when.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very rough, mean place... and no matter how tough you think you are, it'll always bring you to your knees and keep you there, permanently... if you let it. You or nobody ain't never gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit... it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward... how much you can take, and keep moving forward. If you know what you're worth, go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hit.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

Cursed be the ground for our sake. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for us. For out of the ground we were taken, for the dust we are... and to the dust we shall return

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

You say that you didn't cause all this? Your god did? l am the god! l am the god! So, let's just see who's more effective at killing.
You. This god. Or me.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

Nate Foster: For evil to triumph, it only takes good men... to do nothing.