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500 dead people
Ballet of the Brute
uses sample from
The Iceman Confessions Of A Mafia Hitman
(Arthur Ginsberg,
I would move Heaven and Hell and anything in between to get to you. You wouldn't be safe anywhere if I was mad at you. And that's not bull; that's truth. I've went up against people. You could pull a gun on me and if I'm mad at you I'm coming forward. You'd have to shoot me to stop me and if you don't kill me - you're stupid cause the next time you see me I will kill you.
Heaven is ready to fall
The Sickness Within
uses sample from
American Psycho
(Mary Harron,
My pain is constant and sharp. I do not hope for a better world for anyone. I want my pain inflicted in others
Marked by Darkness
The Sickness Within
uses sample from
The Omen
(Richard Donner,
"-The little priest ? Is he dead yet ? -Yes"