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We Are Many
Gravitas Maximus
The Exorcist
(William Friedkin,
- I cast you out, unclean spirit!
- Shove it up your ass, you faggot!
- In the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ! It is he who commands you! He who flung you straight from heaven to the depths of hell!
- Fuck him!
- Be gone...
- Fuck him, Karras!
- ...from this creature of God. Be gone! In the name of the Father,
and of the Son and the Holy Spirit. By this sign of the Holy Cross,
of our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
- The power of Christ compels you!
- The power of Christ compels you!
- The power of Christ compels you!
- The power of Christ compels you!