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Movie poster

Album artwork by on () samples Movie poster (, ):

Sheriff Brackett: "What is that?"
Dr. Loomis: "It's a dog."
Sheriff Brackett: "It's still warm."
Dr. Loomis: "He got hungry."

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () samples Movie poster (, ):

Bullies: "He's gonna get you. He's gonna get you. He's gonna get you. He's gonna get you. He's gonna get you. He's gonna get you."
Richie: "The boogeyman is coming."
Bullies: "Boogeyman. Ooh, the boogeyman. Boogeyman. Boogeyman. Boogeyman. Boogeyman. Boogeyman."

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () samples Movie poster (, ):

Dr. Loomis: "Death has come to your little town, sheriff. You can either ignore it or you can help me to stop it."

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () samples Movie poster (, ):

"Death has come to your little town, Sheriff. You can either ignore it or you can help me to stop it."

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () samples Movie poster (, ):

You are receiving this broadcast as a dream. We are transmitting from the year one, nine, nine, nine. You are receiving this broadcast in order to alter the events you are seeing.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () samples Movie poster (, ):

Voice: "This is not a dream... not a dream. We are using your brain's electrical system as a receiver. We are unable to transmit through conscious neural interference. You are receiving this broadcast as a dream. We are transmitting from the year one, nine, nine, nine. You are receiving this broadcast in order to alter the events you are seeing. Our technology has not developed a transmitter strong enough to reach your conscious state of awareness, but this is not a dream. You are seeing what is actually occurring for the purpose of causality violation."

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () samples Movie poster (, ):

Maybe this universal mind resides in the mirror image instead of in our universe as we wanted to believe. Maybe he's anti-god, bringing darkness instead of light.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () samples Movie poster (, ):

"We are their cattle. We are being bred for slavery."

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () samples Movie poster (, ):

"We are living in an artificially induced state of consciousness that resembles sleep. The poor and the underclass are growing. Racial justice and human rights are non-existent. They have created a repressive society and we are their willing accomplices. We have been lulled in to a trance. They have made us indifferent to ourselves, and to others. We are focused only on our own gain..."

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () samples Movie poster (, ):

We could be pets, we could be food, but all we really are is livestock.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () samples Movie poster (, ):

I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass and I'm all out of bubblegum

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () samples Movie poster (, ):

I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass and I'm all out of bubblegum

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () samples Movie poster (, ):

"Trent stood at the edge of the rip and stared into the unlimitable gulf of the unknown. The stygian world yawning blackly beyond. Trent's eyes refused to close. He did not shriek, but the hideous, unholy abominations shrieked for him. As in the same second he saw them spill and tumble upwards out of an enormous, carrion black pit choked with the gleaming white bulb of countless unhallowed centuries."