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The Killing Fields
The Psycho Realm
A War Story - Book 2
Hamburger Hill
(Philip Glass,
- Who is it?
- How the hell do I know. He's got no goddamn head.
- It's one of the new guys.
- You got to tell these men to put an extra set of I.D. Tags on their boots one each. Then this kind of shit wouldn't happen. How the hell am I supposed to identify these people.
- Now you take it easy, Doc.
- L'll take it any way I can. I've got to know who you are.
- How's this. How's this?
- Where's Gates? He's in there all night.
- I know I'm going to be next. I know that, Goddammit! I'm next, Doc.
- You ain't next!
- I'm next, Doc.