Media Samples in Music Database

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Displaying 6 matching entries out of 872 in the database.

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Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

Channel 6, reporting live. Let's hear it, motherfucker!

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

Cindy… the TV’s leaking.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

It doesn't matter who I piss off or who I offend. I'm fighting for what's right. Whether you're a woman or a man [...] or you're a transgender, gay, lesbian, bisexual, I don't give a fuck.

Link to TikTok video here

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

Ah shit, here we go again.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

Theo Von: You know my favorite type of weed was uh... Cocaine.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

- Percocet. You want one?
- No.
- You don't wanna do perc?
- No I don't personally.
- I itch right now.
- Are you gonna make it? Are you gonna be OK?
- Fo so. I ain't no addict. Are you crazy?

Link to interview