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Necronomicon Exmortis
Domain of Death
Evil Dead II
(Sam Raimi,
The book speaks of a spiritual presence, a thing of evil, that roams the forests and the dark bowers of man's domain. It is through the recitation of the book's passages that this dark spirit is given license to possess the living. Recorded here are the phonetic pronunciations of those passages: [recites spell]

Domain of Death
Domain of Death
Hexen bis aufs Blut gequält
(Michael Armstrong,
[woman moaning]
"You are tired already?"
"Been here since the morning."
"Give it another twist."
[woman screaming]
[woman moaning and crying]
"The sooner you confess, the sooner your pain will stop!"
"No confession yet? She's still talking about the bishop."
"The tongue..."
[sounds of chains]
[woman moaning and screaming]
"We must never weaken in performing God's work."
"Yes, my lord."
[woman screaming]